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POSTCARD: Shepard's Pie

30 September 2008

George Inn, Lacock, England, U.K.

Cold, rainy, and windy day traipsing through the Cotswolds made me order the piping hot Shepard's Pie on the menu of the George Inn in the village of Lacock. Shepard's Pie is roasted lamb on a bed of potatoes with various vegetables and a hefty serving of gravy. Not exactly the most visually appealing meal on the menu, but it was a very hearty and filling, and definitely hit the spot given the dreary weather outside. I had it with a tall glass of Bumbleberry juice (sounds very Harry Potter doesn't it?)

George Inn claims to be the longest running licensed pub in the U.K. The building has been around since the 1400s and the pub license since the 1600s. The charmingly quaint village of Lacock is like a live Hollywood backlot, where several scenes from the BBC Pride and Prejudice, Harry Potter series, and soon-to-be released Wolfman movie were filmed.