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POSTCARD: Sacre Coure through a Moment in Time

21 October 2009

Sacre Coure through a Moment in Time

The Musee D'Orsay contains some of the best (subjectively speaking ofcourse LOL) art of the mid-19th and early (very early) 20th century (one of my favorite periods) ; that mostly means "Impressionism" by the likes of Manet, Monet,Cezzane, Van Gogh, Gauguin, Renoir and Degas. I was ecstatic to discover that one of my favorite van Gogh paintings, "The Siesta", was on display that day. So it was a surprise to me that one of my more memorable images (lasting impressions if you will *groan*) of the Orsay was found outside, of Parisian city views, through a clock! I couldn't get closer because the area was cordoned off, so I had to rely on my telephoto lens to try and help me capture the spectacular views (with varying degrees of success). This is an image of Sacre Couer in the distance through that clock in the Orsay.


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