I've been lucky and blessed to have traveled to many places in our world: Asia, Western Europe, Australia and New Zealand, even North America :) . One of the most rewarding things that traveling offers me is being able to share the joys and challenges of my travels with friends and family through photographs I've taken, postcards I mail them, souvenirs I've thoughtfully chosen for them, and private journal musings that are shared with very little prompting. It is the latter that I have struggled with; surprisingly, I have never wrestled with sharing my thoughts with others, the challenge has always been gathering my thoughts and feelings and putting them into words that I want to re-read over and over again. I start these journals on every trip but after the 5th or 6th day, they start to sputter and stammer; and, I return home with mostly empty pages in a notebook or online diaries that started out promising but quickly (sometimes gradually) abandoned in the vastness of cyberspace (case in point, a failed attempt at chronicling my return to Singapore and Thailand) .
Taking that first familiar step, eagerly anxious to find out where the rest will take me...

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