Cotswolds, England, U.K.
One of the best maintained thatched-roof cottages in the Cotswolds area. Very storybook, don't you think? One can almost picture Snow White running out of the cottage followed by seven dwarves! I have a photo of the cottage they used as the exterior for Harry Potter's parents' house in the little village of Lacock which I will publish later, similarly built but without the thatch-roof making it look very different.
We were told by our Mad Max Tours guide that it costs £20-40K for a new roof, fortunately for the owners, a new roof lasts on average 20 years. It is interesting to note that English law stipulates that thatch-roof cottages are supposed to remain with thatch-roofs, given the cost, it's obvious only the wealthy can afford to own these.
It was raining quite heavily today, gray skies and dark clouds throughout (you should see my Stonehenge photos). We were lucky to have a brief respite from the inclement weather when we stopped here for a photo opp. Sorry, no blue skies and fluffy white clouds for Snow White today.
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POSTCARD: Thatched Roof Cottage, Cotswolds
30 September 2008
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Tuesday, September 30, 2008
POSTCARD: Shepard's Pie
George Inn, Lacock, England, U.K.
Cold, rainy, and windy day traipsing through the Cotswolds made me order the piping hot Shepard's Pie on the menu of the George Inn in the village of Lacock. Shepard's Pie is roasted lamb on a bed of potatoes with various vegetables and a hefty serving of gravy. Not exactly the most visually appealing meal on the menu, but it was a very hearty and filling, and definitely hit the spot given the dreary weather outside. I had it with a tall glass of Bumbleberry juice (sounds very Harry Potter doesn't it?)
George Inn claims to be the longest running licensed pub in the U.K. The building has been around since the 1400s and the pub license since the 1600s. The charmingly quaint village of Lacock is like a live Hollywood backlot, where several scenes from the BBC Pride and Prejudice, Harry Potter series, and soon-to-be released Wolfman movie were filmed.
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Tuesday, September 30, 2008
24 Hours in York in Pictures
29 September 2008
YORK, England, U.K.
Working on a collage of my 24 hours in York (may have to finish it when I return home).
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Monday, September 29, 2008
5-pence for a Plastic Grocery Bag in the U.K.
YORK, England, U.K."Paper or plastic?" We hear that all the time purchasing groceries in the USA and answer without much thought. Although personally, I tried to avoid ‘paper or plastic’ by using the same reusable grocery bags made of canvas for close to a decade now, an older one from Wellcome (Hong Kong grocery store) and two from Safeway. Not only do you help the environment by reducing the consumption of plastic and paper bags, Safeway (and other grocery stores) credits you 3 cents for every reusable bag you use. In those rare instances I don't have my reusable bags, I've never had to pay for the plastic or paper ones the supermarkets put my groceries in. Never had to pay one until now...
The first time I bought grocery from the Marks & Spencer (M&S) on Princes Street in Edinburgh, I found it slightly odd (but the oddness quickly passed since I was going only on one hour of sleep that day) that the cashier was offering me a big 'lifetime' M&S plastic bag for a certain amount, I told her nicely that the ‘regular’ plastic one was fine. I absentmindedly put away the receipt without giving it further thought. Here in York, while purchasing sandwiches and drinks for the four-hour train ride to Bath, I was once again asked if I wanted a big 'lifetime' M&S plastic bag, I said with a little hint of irritation, "No thank you, the small one is perfectly fine." Having slept well since that first day arriving in Edinburgh, I noticed that in addition to my groceries, the cashier scanned a bar code from a laminated card she had in front of her. After she handed me the receipt, I immediately examined it and to my surprise, found I was charged 5 pence for the plastic bag!
Leaving M&S slightly stunned, I was beginning to notice that almost everyone in York, those coming out of M&S or walking the commercial streets, were carrying some sort of reusable bag, ranging in size from the ones I had back home to bigger ones the size of large department store bags from Bloomingdale’s or Macy's. I thought it was a smart way to encourage people to be more mindful of reducing the consumption of non-biodegradable plastic, especially when it affects your wallet; and 5-pence adds up over time. I wonder what it would take to implement something similar in the U.S.A., and if your average American consumer will protest at being charged 3 cents for every plastic or paper bag at checkout. It is important to note though that money raised from the sale of the M&S plastic bags go to an environmental charity. In any case, one can argue, if a supermarket credits you 3 cents for a reusable bag, shouldn’t they be able to charge you 3 cents for every plastic or paper bag they put your groceries in?
The next time I travel overseas, I’ll consider packing a reusable grocery bag, or better yet, purchase one there, it will serve as an interesting souvenir and an even more interesting conversation piece at the checkout line back home.
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Monday, September 29, 2008
Edinburgh Castle to Palace of the Holyroodhouse via Royal Mile in Pictures
27 September 2008
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Saturday, September 27, 2008
A Scottish Breakfast and "Sorry, I am an Ignorant American" but I still want my Damn Toast!
EDINBURGH, Scotland, U.K.
Included in our B&B tariff in Edinburgh was a full Scottish Breakfast every morning. Naturally being the self-proclaimed foodie that I am, I was particularly excited to enjoy my very first Scottish Breakfast. Meaning no offense to the Scots, I think the only thing that makes this breakfast Scottish is the choice of haggis (and maybe the potato pancake). The rest of the meal looks very much like a Traditional English Breakfast I’ve had in my previous trip to the U.K. of sausage, 2 slices of (salty) bacon, eggs (I prefer mine poached), hash brown, beans (as in pork and beans), mushrooms, and (half of a) grilled tomato. Unfortunately (or fortunately), I forgot to check the box for haggis on my breakfast card the night before and I never had haggis while in Edinburgh. The Scottish (and English) Breakfast, is a very filling meal and the one I had at the Hotel Ceilidh-Donia was particularly tasty (my egg was poached just right!), especially when you start with cereal and toast while waiting for it. Speaking of toast…
I am very interested in the cultural differences between the U.S.A. and the rest of the world when it comes to mundane things. This morning, I was confronted with the mundane toaster. Let me begin by saying that I haven’t used a traditional toaster in the U.S.A. in a very long time, having comfortably settled with a toaster oven for my morning toast and occasional frozen waffle, so if there is a toaster in the U.S.A. that is similar to what I will be describing, pardon me and pretend you never read the next couple of paragraphs.
While waiting for my Scottish Breakfast, I placed some brown bread (that's wheat bread in the U.S.A.) in the toaster and returned to my table (which was in another room) with my bowl of cereal (bran flakes). I return to the toaster after a minute or so and my bread was still in the toaster. I was fidgeting around with the toaster trying to get it to release my bread but to no avail. Feeling a little self-conscious (I was sure that the old English lady on the right and the 30-something couple behind me was staring and pitying my stupidity) I left my damn bread and returned to my table. I came back a minute or two later and found my (very dark) toast on the floor! So I placed the last slice of brown bread in the toaster and moved the dial to a lighter setting in the hopes that I will get my toast sooner, and again feeling self-conscious, not wanting to wait around in front of the toaster (the lady and the couple were still there!), I went back to my table. I came back and my toast was still in the damn toaster! One of the dining room servers was arranging the buffet table and probably noticed I was uneasingly waiting for my toast, so she pressed a button that was cleverly concealed within the dial. I grinned sheepishly and said, “Sorry, I am an ignorant America,” She smiled back saying “No problem.”
Whenever I travel overseas, and am confronted with something foreign to me, but very familiar to the locals, I always end up saying, “Sorry, I am an ignorant American.” It works for my self-deprecating humor. Maybe you can give it a try sometime, I find it is a great way to come out of those embarrassing (and often times awkward) moments as an American in a foreign land.
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Saturday, September 27, 2008
Impressed by a Realist
26 September 2008
EDINBURGH, Scotland, U.K.
National Gallery of Scotland
I paid £8 to enjoy the "Impressionism and Scotland" exhibit at the National Gallery of Scotland. Paid an additional £2 for an audio guide (very much worth it). Enjoyed works by Manet, Cezzane, E.A. Walton, Alfred Sisley, and John Lavery. I find it amusing that in an Impressionism exhibit I find myself drawn to a Realist, Jules Bastien-Lepage and his Pas Mèche (Nothing Doing). For me, it's the eyes, staring right at me, carefree but at the same time seemingly curious to get to know me as much as I'd like to get to know him.
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Friday, September 26, 2008
Edinburgh on One Hour of Sleep
EDINBURGH, Scotland, U.K.
*** blur ***
I arrived in Edinburgh with just one hour of sleep on the plane and because the room at the B&B wasn't ready, I was "forced" to head out right away. Much of the day was a blur as a result. Please return in a day or two while I consult my journal, digital photos and ticket stubs, as I try to make out what transpired today (hopefully nothing too embarrasing)*hehe* :)
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Friday, September 26, 2008
"A pleasant companion, reduces the length of a journey." - Publilius Syrus
I arrived at the boarding gate in Philadelphia three hours before departure, that's forever in 'airport time'. Shortly after arriving at the boarding gate, an elderly man, with an elaborate walking cane, carrying a bulky backpack and a department store bag that contained a heavy coat, sat on the seat next to me. Almost immediately he got up, proceeded to pick up his bags, and asked me to save the seat for him while he went to the men's restroom. I readily agreed and told him he can leave his bags behind and I'll look after it. He looked at me breifly as if trying to judge if I can be trusted with his personal belongings, and asked me "Are you sure?", I nodded my head, "Ofcourse".
When he returned, he thanked me and said "If you are going to Manchester, you need a coat", probably noticing that all I had on was a football (soccer) jersey and jeans. I told him that my final destination was Edinburgh. He then said "Ahhh... you need two coats then." I laughed and was immediately at ease with him. I reached out my hand and introduced myself, he introduced himself as John. John is from a town just outside of Manchester, confirming that the further you go out of London, the friendlier the English are. We talked about a lot of different things, Scotland and what he described as "people speak funny there" (coming from an Englishman I laughed generously), football and Manchester United, the notoriously wet U.K. weather, tennis and the 2012 London Olympics, among many things, laughing a lot in the course of our conversation. On the boarding gate TV, CNN was broadcasting the 'historic' meeting between the President and both the major party presidential candidates to talk about the $700B financial bailout, I told him it looks pretty bleak. He said that it was bad in the UK as well, because some of the financial institutions took a risk with sub-prime mortgage loans too, but not as bad, he said, "When America is knocked down, we limp", tapping his cane in quick succession. I smiled at his self-deprecating humor. I found out that he is returning from spending two weeks in Boston, visiting his daughter and granddaughter. He disclosed that his granddaughter has leukemia, and is in pretty bad shape. I asked him if he is planning to visit them again in the near future, he said that he will as soon as he recuperates enough to travel after his leg operation. I was surprised by his openness to divulge things that are so personal to a complete stranger, and the same time, how jovial and optimistic he is in spite of the challenges in his life. John was able to pre-board and before he left, I wished him a comfortable flight and told him "maybe we will bump into each other on the plane or on the ground in Manchester". He replied, "I'll bump into things for sure", tapping his cane again. I couldn't help but smile. Without noticing, the three hours went by so quickly.
It's people like John, who make traveling a more rewarding experience for the rest of us. Their friendly demeanor, quick wit, willingness to share of themselves and their life stories, making the mundane portions of our journey extraordinary. I hope to meet more people like John on this trip.
I never did bump into John again on the plane or on the ground in Manchester; but, I am sure whenever something reminds me of him, another friendly elderly gentleman perhaps on another trip somewhere or hear the quick 'tap, tap, tap' of a walking cane, I'll say a little prayer for his granddaughter and one for him as well, that John's legs remain strong enough to travel, and he continue to enrich the life of fellow travelers. He clearly left a lasting impression on me.
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Friday, September 26, 2008
... And I am Off!!!!
25 September 2008
Departing in a few hours for Edinburgh from Philadelphia and expected to arrive around 09:45 the next day. It's a short flight compared to the last overseas flight I took to Southeast Asia which took twice as long at 16 hours. I am so excited! I just hope I get to sleep on the plane!
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Thursday, September 25, 2008
"World Peace" When We Can't Even Agree on the Shape of Electrical Plugs!??!!
22 September 2008
*** WARNING: RANT!!! ***I was so pissed when I discovered that I forgot to pack my U.K. electrical adapter. In the U.K. (and countries like Singapore, Hong Kong and countries in Africa) electrical plugs are in the shape of 3 square prongs (not 2 round prongs like the rest of Europe and parts of Asia or 2 flat prongs at an angle like in Oz and New Zealand) and electric current is 220V (110V for us in the U.S.A.). Granted, most electrical devices these days allow for multi-current input, but the fact that the shape of electrical plugs in these regions are different makes for some serious head-scratching and some controlled breathing. If the world can't agree on the shape of electircal plugs, I'm less optimistic about world peace! I just don't get it!
So here I am visiting relatives in South Jersey (before continuing on to the U.K.), in the Cherry Hill township, shopping feverishly for an electrical adapter I can use in the U.K. Finding some at the local Target but warning me that it should not be used for electrical devices like my laptop that require more than 2.5A, or finding that the Radio Shack has all but the one that I need in stock. After an exhaustive search, I finally find one in an Office Depot at the strip mall selling an "all-in-one adapter" for a hefty $25 (I only need the U.K. one for effs sake!) !!! ugh! There goes a second serving of fish n' chips!
*** END RANT ***
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Monday, September 22, 2008
"My favorite thing is to go where I have never gone." - Diane Arbus
21 September 2008
I have to admit, I absolutely LOVE planning a travel itinerary, specially to destinations I've never been before. While I have been to London and Bath in previous trips, this will be my first time in Edinburgh and York, so I am particularly excited to tour Edinburgh Castle, dilly-dally down the Royal Mile, board the Britannia, ask what do people actually wear under that kilt, hike along the top of the wall that surrounds the medieval city of York and listen to an evensong in the gothic York Minster church. I also hope to get lost while walking the streets and alleys in the beautiful Georgian city of Bath, hop on and hop off London double-deck buses, and languidly enjoy the amazing views from a London Eye capsule again.
The details (accommodations, train schedules, list of sights to see, how many days/nights to stay in one place, packing, etc.) can be tedious and daunting to some, I on the other hand, revel in it. I like to call it a natural high from almost unnatural circumstances. I get a kick plain and simple. (It just occurred to me that I wouldn't mind planning/assisting other people with their travel plans either HA!)
After putting a trip together, I scribble on my notes, in large letters: "Plans subject to change without prior notice, be prepared. Have fun being resourceful and creative when shit hits the fan!" :)
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Sunday, September 21, 2008
The First Step Should be the only Familiar Part of Every Journey
20 September 2008
I've been lucky and blessed to have traveled to many places in our world: Asia, Western Europe, Australia and New Zealand, even North America :) . One of the most rewarding things that traveling offers me is being able to share the joys and challenges of my travels with friends and family through photographs I've taken, postcards I mail them, souvenirs I've thoughtfully chosen for them, and private journal musings that are shared with very little prompting. It is the latter that I have struggled with; surprisingly, I have never wrestled with sharing my thoughts with others, the challenge has always been gathering my thoughts and feelings and putting them into words that I want to re-read over and over again. I start these journals on every trip but after the 5th or 6th day, they start to sputter and stammer; and, I return home with mostly empty pages in a notebook or online diaries that started out promising but quickly (sometimes gradually) abandoned in the vastness of cyberspace (case in point, a failed attempt at chronicling my return to Singapore and Thailand) .
Taking that first familiar step, eagerly anxious to find out where the rest will take me...

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Saturday, September 20, 2008